Part 1: Image to Map Rectification:
Step 1: Bring the image Chicago_drg.img
into Erdas 2013.
Step 2: Next, open a second viewer in Erdas 2013 and bring in
Chicago_2000.img. Fit both images to
Step 3: Making sure that the viewer with Chicago_2000.img is active, activate the Multispectral tools and click on Control Points. This will open the Set Geometric Model dialogue box.
Select Geometric Model, choose Polynomial followed by OK.
GCP Tool Reference Setup dialogue
box will now open in addition to the Multipoint
Geometric Correction dialogue box. Leave the default value in the GCP Tool
Reference box as they are, i.e. Image
Layer (New Viewer) and click OK to
close it out.
to the appropriate folder and select Chicago_drg.img
to add as the reference image.
OK on the reference Map Information dialogue box.
new dialogue box called Polynomial Model
Properties will now open. A first order polynomial equation will be used to
develop the model that will be used to rectify Chicago_2000.img. Accept the default values of this box and click Close to close it out.
the Multipoint Correction Window.
The window should be contain 6 panes, three for each image, and should look
similar to figure 1.
the default GCPs that are at the bottom of the screen. Use Shift to select the values and delete them by click on them with
the right mouse button.
the largest Chicago_2000.img to
window (right mouse button); do the same for Chicago_drg.img.
the Create GCP tool in the
Multipoint Geometric Correction interface. It looks like a large cross-hair.
This action will turn the cursor into a cross-hair on the screen as well.
the first GCP to the Chicago_2000.img and do the same to the
reference image on the right-hand side of the Multipoint Correction interface.
the same process until GCPs 1-4 are roughly in the same areas as those in
figure 1. Notice that the GCPs are spread across the images, this helps to
ensure a better rectification than if all GCPs were located in close proximity
to one another. At this point, having the GCP exactly corresponding to one
another is not detrimental, but it will be later. Notice that the bottom of the
Multipoint Correction interface now reads ‘Model Solution is Current.’ This is
because there are enough GCPs to run a 1st order polynomial model.
the Root Mean Square (RMS) error
will need to be adjusted. Total RMS is indicated in the bottom right-hand
corner of the Multipoint Correction interface. Under the heading: Control Point Error Total. In order to
run a good model, total Control Point Error should be less than 0.5.
the RMS by zooming in on a GCP and adjusting it until the RMS is at the desired
value. This part may be very tedious, but it generally helps to get the RMS
close (e.g. less than 15) and then zoom in on a particular GCP and adjust until
the X and Y values in the Control Point Error section of the interface each
read as close to zero as possible.
Figure 1
Figure 1a shows how the
Multipoint Correction interface should appear and the approximate locations of
the GCPs. Figure 1b shows the Total Control Point Error which should be less
than 0.5.
the RMS value is at the appropriate level, click Display Resample Image dialogue button at the top of the Multipoint Correction interface.
the output file Chicago_2000gcr.img.
all parameters at their default values and click OK to run the model.
Dismiss when the model is finished
Q1 What function(s) did the image
Chicago_drg.img performed in the geometric correction process? [Hint: you should
name and describe the interpolation that this image aided in the process of
geometrically correcting the Chicago_2000.img image].
Chicago_drg.img was for the spatial interpolation portion of
the geometric correction process. In this case, a first order (linear)
polynomial function was used in order fit the data derived from GCPs placed on
each image in the Multipoint Correction interface in Erdas. If the image were
more distorted a higher order polynomial function would have been more
appropriate to use; however, doing this would also require a larger minimum of
GCPs to be collected as well.
Q2 Name and describe the type of interpolation that is being performed by
the resampling dialog window you just clicked above.
Nearest neighbor is the resampling method that is being used
for the intensity interpolation of this particular image rectification.
Q3 Why did you spread the four points you collected across the images and
did not only concentrate them on one or two areas of the images?
The GCPs were spread out in this image (and should be as much
as possible in any image) so that the rectification process will be as accurate
as possible. If the points were crammed together then proper geometric
correction may not be as accurate.
Q4 Briefly explain the first order polynomial equation/model used in the
above geometric correction exercise.
First order polynomial functions are used to spatially
interpolate images that have a lower degree of distortion. However, linear
functions also leave out more information than do higher order polynomial
functions, such as quadratic or cubic ones. For instance, on an x-y graph, a
linear function has very straight lines. However, when a straight line is drawn
over a curved area, some of this area is left out; in the case of image
rectification this equates to lost data. In contrast, higher order polynomial
functions drawn on an x-y coordinate system fit to curves much better than a
linear polynomial would, thus ensuring the preservation of more data.
Q5 What is the minimum number of ground control points needed to perform a
1st order polynomial transformation?
Three is the minimum number of GCPs required for a first
order polynomial transformation, per the system requirements. However, using
one or two extra points is advisable as three is just the minimum requirement.
Figure 2
Figure 2 shows image
that was rectified using the steps above in section 1 of this lab.
Part 2: Image to
Image Registration:
Step 1: Bring the image sierra_leone_east1991.img
into Erdas 2013.
Step 2: Next, open a second viewer in Erdas 2013 and bring in
sierra_leone_east1991grf.img. Fit
both images to frame.
Step 3: Activate the Multispectral
tools and click on Control Points.
This will open the Set Geometric Model dialogue
a) Under Select Geometric Model, choose Polynomial followed by OK.
b) A GCP Tool Reference Setup dialogue box
will now open in addition to the Multipoint
Geometric Correction dialogue box. Leave the default value in the GCP Tool
Reference box as they are, i.e. Image Layer
(New Viewer) and click OK to
close it out.
c) Navigate to
the appropriate folder and select sierra_leone_east1991grf.img
to add as the reference image.
d) Click OK on the Reference Map Information dialogue box.
e) A new
dialogue box called Polynomial Model
Properties will now open. A third-order
polynomial equation will be used to develop the model that will be used to
rectify sierra_leone_east1991.img.
Accept the default values of this box and click Close to close it out.
f) Maximize the Multipoint Correction window.
g) Delete the
default GCPs that are at the bottom of the screen. Use Shift to select the
values and delete them by click on them with the right mouse button.
h) Fit the largest sierra_leone_east1991grf.img to
window (right mouse button); do the same for sierra_leone_east1991.img.
i) Click the
Create GCP tool in the Multipoint Geometric Correction interface. It looks like
a large cross-hair. This action will turn the cursor into a cross-hair on the
screen as well.
j) Add the
first GCP to sierra_leone_east1991.img
and do the same to the reference image on the right-hand side of the Multipoint Correction interface. This
is similar to the process in Part 1
of this lab. However, a third order polynomial function is being used to
spatially interpolate sierra_leone_east1991grf.img, more GCP will be used. In
this case it is 12. Also, be sure to spread the GCPs on the images to ensure
that they are rectified as completely and accurately as possible.
k) Next, the
Root Mean Square (RMS) error will need to be adjusted. Total RMS is indicated
in the bottom right-hand corner of the Multipoint Correction interface. Under
the heading: Control Point Error Total. In order to run a good model, total
Control Point Error should be less than 0.5. Again, this process should be
similar to Part 1 of the lab.
Figure 3a shows sierra_leone_east1991grf.img and its
reference image in the Multipoint Correction interface prior to geometric
corrections being performed on it. Just below it, in figure 3b is detail of the
RMS error.
Figure 3
Figure 3a shows the
reference image sierra_leone_east1991grf.img (right) and the distorted input
image sierra_leone_east1991.img (left) as they appear in the Multipoint
Correction interface prior to geometric correction. Figure 3b show the total
control point (RMS) error.
l) Once the RMS value is at the appropriate level, click Display Resample Image button at the
top of the Multipoint Correction
m) Name the
output file sl_east_gcc.img.
n) Change the Resample Method to Bilinear Interpolation and click OK to run the model.
o) Click Dismiss
when the model is finished running. DO NOT SAVE CURRENT GEOMETRIC MODEL.
Q6 What
type of map coordinate system is the reference image in?
UTM (Zone 29) projected coordinate system.
Q7What is the minimum GCPs you need to collect to perform a 3rd order
polynomial transformation?
10 is the minimum number of GCPs needed to perform a 3rd-order
polynomial transformation.
Q8 Why
is the Multipoint Geometric Correction interface reporting that model has no
solution even though you have collected up to 9 points but for part 1 above,
once you had 3 points your model reported that “Model solution is current”?
Since the transformation is a 3rd order
polynomial, more GCPs need to be placed on the Sierra Leone images than the
Chicago images which used a 1st-order polynomial transformation in
order to geometrically correct them.
Q9 How geometrically correct is your rectified image compared to the
reference image you used?
Figure 4 a-c shows the rectified image overlaid on the
reference image in Erdas at various swipe stages. The rectified image seems to
fit nicely over the reference image; however, 4d shows that the southeast
corner of sl_east_gcc.img is not a perfect fit in this particular location.
Q10 Why was a bilinear interpolation resampling selected above instead of
nearest neighbor as executed in part 1?
Bilinear interpolation (BLI) was used as a resampling method
because it will produce a smoother image than nearest-neighbor (NN) will. Also,
because BLI uses a weighted average of the four nearest pixel values, it is
more accurate than NN. However, the accuracy gained in using BLI is done so with
greater computational expense compared to NN.
Figure 4
Figure 4 a-c shows the rectified image sl_east_gcc.img
in various Swipe-Function stages as it overlays the reference image sierra_leone_east1991grf.img.
Figure 4d shows the SE corner of the two images, illustrating how this
particular corner was poorly rectified.
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